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Friday, February 23, 2018

Archiving the Blogroll

I like to add new blogs to the "Blogroll" whenever I find them. However, some of them seem to be, shall we say, quite abandoned. Many of them still contain interesting information, so I don't want to lose track of them completely.

Therefore, I'm going to make a list of blogs that have not been updated in at least one year and take them off the active Blogroll on the side of the page. Here they are, in no particular order:

One year is an arbitrary choice, I'll admit. If any of these blogs reactivate, I'll add them back.


  1. This is a problem I've had as well. I usually just remove a blogroll blog from the Roll after the point when it hasn't been updated for at least 3 years. Sigh.

  2. It's possible in Blogger to follow a blog but not put it on your blog page in a "blogroll" Those blogs will still show up on your control panel page.
