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Monday, November 2, 2015

Still more link parking!

Yes, I really, really want to update this blog, but in the meantime, my browser is about to crash under the weight of all these open tabs. Let me relieve my browser of this burden. -- Ukrainian/Rus costume research and other stuff -- this appears to be the website of the author of the most recent Compleat Anachronist titled "Decorated Eggs and Pysanky" -- Finnish garb -- a compendium of stuff from the Finnish Iron Age group on Facebook -- a really interesting page on women's open hoods, with period illustrations (the rest of the blog has good stuff, too) -- why don't I have this one on my blogroll already? -- might not be completely within the SCA's purview, but still interesting -- blog of a Laurel from the West Coast -- a woman's merchant-class outfit for circa 1400 CE -- another good blog to add to the blogroll -- a lot of this blog is post-period for the SCA, but these are still some good thoughts

I promise I'll have a real update soon, but this will have to be it for now....